Equity Community

Equity Community

Completion of the first year is only the beginning of our Fellows' life-long journey. Upon finishing the Induction Year, Fellows become part of the Equity Community.

The Equity Community is comprised of Fellows, peers, and national and regional networks of health practitioners striving to influence meaningful systems change for health equity. Together, we believe that a community of diverse Fellows and partners, with strong shared values for social justice and equity, can achieve a greater impact than any individual or solitary group. Fellows are also part of the global Atlantic Fellows community to advance fairer, healthier, and more inclusive societies.

  • Shared values
  • Nurturing of Fellows
  • Sustained Engagement
  • Local Ownership

Shared values

Health equity is not a single event or an occasional issue. Rather, it is an interactive process that depends upon sustained engagement.

Nurturing of Fellows

Health equity is not a single event or an occasional issue. Rather, it is an interactive process that depends upon sustained engagement.

Sustained Engagement

Health equity is not a single event or an occasional issue. Rather, it is an interactive process that depends upon sustained engagement.

Local Ownership

Health equity is not a single event or an occasional issue. Rather, it is an interactive process that depends upon sustained engagement.Health equity is not a single event or an occasional issue. Rather, it is an interactive process that depends upon sustained engagement.Health equity is not a single event or an occasional issue. Rather, it is an interactive process that depends upon sustained engagement.

Fellows Engagement Activities

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Throughout the fellowship year, Fellows receive support, guidance, integrated skills training and mentoring in project development and implementation.

The goal of the second-year project is for Fellows to put into practice the core values of health equity and to exercise newly acquired leadership skills. Designing and implementing health equity group projects also give Fellows the opportunity to combine peer and experiential learning, and to make an impact by building a health equity community in the region. 

The Annual Forum is both the culminating event of the fellowship year and a signature event of the Equity Initiative in building a sustained equity community.

The Forum marks the start of the Fellows’ second-year projects to advance health equity in the region, and it formally introduces and inducts the graduating Fellows into the lifelong community of the Atlantic Fellows Programs. The Forum also plays an important role in promoting inter-cohort relationships among Senior Fellows, incoming Fellows, and helps to build a strong regional equity community.

The Equity Initiative organizes short courses and refresher sessions every year, along with access to personalized coaching and mentoring services to help Fellows work on identified gaps in their leadership competencies.

These workshops also and create the an opportunity for help Fellows develop and practice the skills to serve asto become trainers, themselves or collaborators, or coaches who can share their expertiseto train others  within their teams, organisations, and communities.

Indonesia Community Building Fund (grant): Championing Village Based Stunting Alleviation Program in Indonesia

Equity Community Beyond Fellows

Community Activities Related to the EI Fellowship Program

As we shift towards building a sustainable equity community, it is important to ensure that our planned activities are integrated into the design and delivery of EI fellowship activities. We will continue to engage key players into the fellowship events and embed community building activities within the fellowship processes and activities such as in the nomination and selection process, the design of fellowship events, and in the Fellows’ second-year projects development.

National Committees (NCs)

National committees (NCs) are instrumental in helping us identify promising candidates for the EI fellowship experience. We now have 5 active NCs in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Viet Nam, and Myanmar. Each is composed of nationally recognized experts and leaders from a variety of fields, who share a strong orientation passion for toward social justice and health. With a deep knowledge of their respective countries’ socio-political economic environment, and a positive influence on society. NC members are in an ideal position to build a robust network of community of practice in their countries.

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Dédé Oetomo is a Founder and Trustee of GAYa NUSANTARA in Surabaya - a community-based organisation active in research and education in the areas of human rights and politics, as well as sexual health and well-being services for sexuality and gender diversity. Dédé is an internationally recognised scholar, educator, and activist in areas of HIV and AIDS, research, training and advocacy. He is currently a member of the Board of the Indonesia AIDS Coalition. Leveraging his extensive expertise, Dédé also serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Surabaya, University of Airlangga, and Widya Mandala Catholic University in Surabaya, Indonesia. In recognition of his pioneering contributions, he was honored with the Felipa de Sousa Award from the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission in 1998, and he earned the esteemed Utopia Award for his trailblazing work in advancing LGBTQ+ rights in Asia in 2001.

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Diah Satyani Saminarsih, MSc is an Indonesian development practitioner and public health advocate, currently serving as the Founder and CEO of the public health non-profit Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI). A psychologist by academic training, her professional journey has gone across consulting companies, government and national public institutions, and multilateral organizations. Diah, who was appointed as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Health in 2014, has represented Indonesia in various global forums and agendas, including the UN General Assembly on the conception of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2012 - 2014, the World Health Assembly, Co-Moderating the WHO Director General Candidate Debate, and the Stockholm Food Forum 2017. In 2018, Diah was appointed as Senior Gender and Youth Advisor to the WHO Directorate-General, a position she will hold until her term ends in 2022. She is now also currently serving in the Pandemic Fund Board as the Principal Global South Civil Society member. In 2024, Diah has also been selected as a Commissioner for Lancet Global Health Commission on People Centred Care for Universal Health Coverage.

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Elan Satriawan is an Economist with significant experience in both academic and policy making area. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In academics, he has done extensive research covering topics in development microeconomics areas particularly in impact evaluation and effectiveness of anti-poverty and social programs, poverty related issues including health, education, and inter-linkages between the two involving frontiers empirical techniques including randomized experiments. In policy areas, he leads a high-profile government policy think tank to advise the Vice President in taking strategic policy decisions on poverty alleviation and social development. He has extensive knowledge in conducting monitoring and evaluation as well as using the knowledge generated from the research for policy advocacy, capacity building and knowledge management.

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Blandina Rosalina Bait (Lany) is a Nutrition Specialist, Care for Wasted Children – UNICEF Indonesia. She provides high-level technical and advocacy support to the Government of Indonesia (GoI) to address child wasting, one of the deadliest forms of undernutrition among children under five. She oversees the scaling up of the Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition (IMAM), a life-saving approach to prevent and treat child wasting within the existing health and nutrition system. In this context, Blandina has been supporting the government to strengthen the health system to improve access to quality health and nutrition services for the most vulnerable groups of children. She previously held the position of Nutrition Officer at UNICEF Indonesia Field Office Kupang between 2016-2020, where she successfully led the field implementation of UNICEF's groundbreaking research project on the IMAM programme, which was conducted in partnership with the Ministry of Health, the Government of Indonesia, and other partner agencies, and contributed to the effective scale-up process of this life-saving intervention across the country. Before joining UNICEF, she worked with various development organisations such as the World Food Programme, World Bank, Save the Children UK, and Plan International in multidisciplinary teams as well as individually and as a team leader.

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Romy Cahyadi is the Chief Executive Officer at Instellar, Indonesia. A purpose driven entrepreneur with two dogs and an abundant love for nature, he co-founded an education consulting company in 2002 which provides educational programs for schools in remote places in Indonesia. By 2012 he decided to use his experiences as an entrepreneur to help other entrepreneurs driven by their purposes to create sustainable impact for the environment and communities. This has led him to develop experiences in supporting and working with various kinds of social purpose organizations in Indonesia and abroad, including 150 community enterprises and 150 civil society organizations through various projects. Grounded in local context and culture, Romy learned from best practices in the United Kingdom and Europe to co-found Instellar in 2017 to accelerate social innovation through incubation, advisory and investment in mission driven companies. In the last 7 years Instellar has supported 300+ impact driven businesses. Instellar works with international development agencies, corporate and impact investors to run incubation and acceleration programs, and various social innovation projects with partners from the United States, Korea, Singapore, and Europe. Instellar is a certified B Corp in 2023 as the first and only impact consulting company in Indonesia to receive it. In 2023 along with a number of players he co-founded the Indonesia Impact Alliance, an association of impact investing practitioners committed to build a robust ecosystem towards impact economy and transparency.




Prof. Dr. Dante Saksono Harbuwono, Sp.PD., Ph.D. is Vice Minister of Health, Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Temanggung on 23 March 1973.Prof. Dante completed his medical doctor at Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in 1997. In 2004, he completed his medical specialty in Endocrinology at Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, and in 2008 he earned Doctor of Philosophy at University of Yamanashi, Japan. In 2022, he received his professor title in endocrinology and metabolic disease, at Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia.He is a well-known health expert as diabetic molecular expert. He was appointed as the Chief of Metabolic Disorder, Cardiovascular and Aging Cluster at Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia from 2015 to 2020. He was also appointed as the Chief of of the Diabetic Cluster a National Hospital, Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo in 2018 until 2020. He was appointed as Research and Development Coordinator for the Endocrinology Association (PB PERKENI) and Chairperson of the Indonesia-Jakarta Raya Association of Endocrinology (Perkeni Jaya) from 2018 to 2021.Prof. Dante is also actively engaged in duty for his country. He is currently serving as the Deputy Minister of Health of Indonesia, starting from 2020. In addition, Prof. Dante was appointed as a member of the Indonesia Presidential Medical Team in 2014 – a position which he has been serving until now. During his tenure, he is also appointed as an Alternate Board Member of Global Fund, which will run until 2026.

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Myanmar (Burma)

Dr. Thein Thein Htay is a renowned figure in Myanmar's public health sector. As the former Deputy Minister for Health, she spearheaded significant reforms in medical education and healthcare services. Her career, initially focused on maternal and child health, later expanded to include reproductive health, where she played a key role in the founding of Myanmar's family planning program. Dr. Thein's lifelong commitment to improving public health extended to her leadership in achieving MDGs through SDGs commitment in Myanmar. Additionally, she has served as a valuable consultant to national and international organizations, including the UN, and held esteemed positions with WHO as Gender Advisory Panel. Currently, she continues her impactful work as a senior public health advisor in various scenerios, within country as well as in the Region.

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Myanmar (Burma)

Dr. Than Tun Sein is a former Director of Sociomedical Research of Department of Medical Research of Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar. Prof Than Tun Sein was awarded the prestigious Leon Bernard Foundation Prize in 2007 at the World Health Assembly for outstanding service in the field of social medicine research. He worked as a member of the WHO/TDR Scientific Working Group on Intervention and Implementation Research from 2016 till 2020. He is considered a pioneer in the development of health equity research methodology in Myanmar, and he is currently a part-time Professor in the Anthropology Department, Yangon University'.

Myanmar (Burma)
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Myanmar (Burma)

Professor Kyawt Sann-Lwin is a former Pro-rector and Professor who previously served as the Head of the Health Policy and Management Department at the University of Public Health in Yangon. Currently, she works as a freelance curriculum consultant. In this role, she has developed public health curricula and provided training on basic educational science for newly recruited faculty members. Her career began as a research officer at the Health Planning Department in 1991, where she later served as an Assistant Director (Research and Development). She played a key role in three rounds of the ‘Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS),’ which monitors World Summit Goals for Children. As a Joint Secretary of the Survey Working Committee, she contributed to the survey efforts in 1997, 2000, and 2003. In 2007, she joined the University of Public Health, embarking on a teaching career that continued until 2021. Her passion lies in equity issues, and she conducted an in-depth analysis of the Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey data and published a report titled ‘Urban Health Situation in Myanmar: Assessing Wealth-based Intra-urban Inequalities using Myanmar DHS (2015-16) data. Professor Sann-Lwin holds a medical degree and a Master’s degree in Preventive and Tropical Medicine from the University of Medicine 1 (1997). Additionally, she earned a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University (2005), and PhD (Public Health) degree from University of Public Health (2013).

Myanmar (Burma)
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Myanmar (Burma)

Shortly after graduating from medical school in Yangon, Myanmar in 2008, Dr. Si Thura joined the relief efforts in the Ayeryarwady Delta devastated by Cyclone Nargis, the worst natural disaster in Myanmar’s recorded history. This experience convinced him that the key for the future was to strengthen fundamental resilience and resourcefulness - to support the development of community-led services to provide for essential needs such as health care and education. In 2009, Dr Si Thura joined CPI as the organization’s first Myanmar-based member of staff.

Starting from a small office in Yangon, he has played an instrumental role in bringing CPI from its roots on the Myanmar’s eastern border to the forefront of health systems strengthening in Myanmar, especially for health reform efforts. Under his stewardship, CPI expands and supports its network of community-based partners in Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh and South Asia countries to deliver lifesaving health care to hundreds of thousands of people in conflict-affected, remote rural and urban poor communities. He received 2013 the Australian Leadership Award, which enabled him to complete his Master's degree in Public Health at the Australian National University and 2016 InsideNGO’s Emerging Leader Award. He is also a co-founder and General Secretary of Myanmar Liver Foundation and a fellowship member of Asia 21 Young Leaders Network. He is currently studying PhD in Health and Sustainable Development program at Mahidol University, Thailand.

Myanmar (Burma)
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Myanmar (Burma)

Yin Myo Su is the Managing Director of the Inle Princess Group and founder of the Inle Heritage Foundation. She is passionate about women’s empowerment, economic development, heritage and environmental preservation, art, culture, and citizen engagement. She is also a strong advocate for sustainable and responsible development practices.

Misuu has taken a leading role in reintroducing the Burmese Cat to Myanamar and protecting the unique and at-risk marine life of Inle Lake. As Chairperson of the Inle Heritage Hospitality Vocational Training Center, she passes her knowledge to future generations while equipping aspiring hospitality workers form Shan State with necessary technical and human service skills. She is also the founder of Inle Heritage Private School (Bamboo School), a unique child-centered education institution that aims to trigger curiosity, innovation, and critical thinking in students and to raise awareness of resources that the local community can use in the Inle Region.

Misuu is an active public speaker on subjects dear to her heart. She has received several local and international awards in recognition of her work in hospitality, heritage preservation, women’s empowerment and leadership.Yin was selected as a Fortune- U.S. Department of State Mentee in 2012 and participated in the International Alumnae Component in 2018. She is also a Global Leadership Awards Honoree.

Myanmar (Burma)
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Myanmar (Burma)

Si Thu Htin Aung works as a coordinator for Swissaid Myanmar, managing a small grant fund. The primary focus of the program is to strengthen the capacity of local civil society organizations in the upland areas of Myanmar to deliver effective services to vulnerable communities.

Si Thu is passionate about helping vulnerable populations achieve health equity and his commitment follows two tracks: meeting the practical needs of vulnerable groups and building local capacity to strategically prepare for and respond to crises.

His earlier experience working on drug policy dialogues gave him an appreciation for building ground-level understanding of health issues, taking a bottom-up approach to policy development, and the importance of social justice in policy formulation.

Through his work at Swissaid Myanmar, Si Thu was able to work with civil society organizations and local groups to deliver timely and effective support during the peak of COVID-19.

He helped coordinate the roles of various stakeholders, such as donors and community partners, and contributed communications and management skills to these efforts.

Si Thu also serves as a volunteer lecturer at Myanmar Institute of Theology (MIT), Yangon, sharing experiences and teaching students about community development, and has written articles for policy journals.




Ernesto Garilao is President of the Zuellig Family Foundation (2009-present) whose mission is to reduce health inequities to improve health outcomes of the poor. A leader in development sector, he served previously as Executive Director of the Philippine Business for Social Progress (1975-1992), Secretary of the Department of Agrarian Reform from 1992 to 1998 and Vice Chair of the Social Reform Council, the highest policy-making body for the Philippines’ anti-poverty programs from 1994-1998. He was a faculty member at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) from 1999 to 2010, Associate Dean of the Asian Institute of Management’s Center for Development Management and founding Executive Director of the AIM Mirant Center for Bridging Societal Divides (2004-2009). He holds two masters degrees from Harvard Kennedy School of Government (1988) and Asian Institute of Management (1982).

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Beverly Lorraine Ho is the OIC-Undersecretary of Health of the Public Health Services Team, and concurrent Director for Health Promotion Bureau and Disease Prevention and Control Bureau at the Department of Health - Philippines. As OIC-Undersecretary, she oversees the Disease Prevention and Control Bureau and Epidemiology Bureau. As HPB Director, she leads risk communication and community engagement and demand generation for COVID-19 vaccines. As DPCB Director, she leads primary care integration of various health programs.

Prior to this, she was Chief of Research Division of the Health Policy Development and Planning Bureau where her efforts significantly contributed to the passage of keylegislation on sugar-sweetened beverage tax, tobacco tax and universal health care. She has also worked in the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation and the Asian Development Bank.

Bev is a fellow of the Maurice Greenberg World Fellows Program at Yale University, the Equity Initiative and the Atlantic Institute. She holds an MD from the University of the Philippines and an MPH in Health Policy and Management from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health as a Fulbright Scholar.




Steve Muncy has served as the Executive Director of CFSI since its inception in 1981 and concurrently, since 2006, as the Coordinator of the Social Work Education Project (SWEP) in the conflict-affected areas of Mindanao, Philippines. A resident of the Philippines since 1980, he has been actively involved in promoting human security, humanitarian action, social work education, and good governance. In addition to his work at CFSI, Muncy has been a consultant for various international organizations and governments involving travel throughout South East and Central Asia, Africa, and Europe. He has lectured at various universities and served on the Boards of other civil society organizations, including two three-year terms on the Board of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) – the global NGO network that advocates for principled humanitarian action. Since January 2015, he has served as an International Advisor for Forced Migration Review, published by the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford. A citizen of the United States, Muncy earned the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree at James Madison University in Virginia and the Master of Social Work (MSW) degree at the Catholic University of America in Washington, DC. He earned the Master of Public Health (MPH) degree and the Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree at the University of Philippines.




Rocky oversees Rare’s coastal fisheries initiative, which aims to shift the governance and management of small-scale fisheries to link their protection and productivity to the prosperity of coastal communities. Fish Forever has a global team of almost 100 staff, working with over 250 local partners, across eight countries.

She served as Vice President of Rare Philippines for over eight years, a role which recently expanded to overseeing Rare’s work in Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia. She was part of the initial development of the Fish Forever program and oversaw its growth in the Philippines, where it now reaches over 600 communities.

In addition to her years of experience leading Fish Forever in the Philippines, Rocky has a background in marketing communications. While working in the advertising sector, she shifted her focus to social issues and working with government, foundations and NGOs. Upon joining Rare, she brought with her an expertise in social marketing that has helped Rare’s work to engage coastal communities and promote responsible and sustainable fishing behaviors.  She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Philippines.

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He is a trustee of the Foundation for a Sustainable Society, Inc. (FSSI), Caucus of Development NGO Networks (CODE-NGO), Partnership for Development Assistance in the Philippines (PDAP) and a member of the Multi-Sectoral Advisory Board of the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (PNVSCA). Oman has been with social development work for more than 25 years. He has a BS Computer Science degree and MA units on Industrial- Organizational Psychology from Ateneo de Manila University.

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Sinee Chakthranont has led Ashoka in Thailand for over 15 years developing one of the largest and robust Fellowships programs with over 100 of the organization’s 3,000 globally recognized social entrepreneurs. She has contributed significantly to the field of social entrepreneurship in Thailand and throughout Southeast Asia by building cross sector networks. Sinee speaks on social innovations and has been regularly featured by national media as an expert commentator. She has been active in Thailand’s civic movement since the historic protests for democratic reforms in 1970s. She serves on the board of directors for Thammasat University’s School of Global Studies and Khon Thai Foundation and was appointed to the steering committee during the founding of Thai Social Enterprise Office. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Chulalongkorn University and a Master of Education degree in International Development from Boston University.

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Somsak Chunharas formerly served as Deputy Minister of Health for Thailand and is currently President of National Health Foundation in Thailand, an NGO promoting and coordinating evidence-based health policy and system development. Throughout his career in the ministry of health, Dr. Chunharas directed several offices of the Ministry of Public Health, focusing on international health, health policy and system development, international collaboration, health manpower development, and the Bureau of Health Policy and Strategies. He was the founding director of the Health System Research Institute. Dr. Chunharas also pioneered a team working on health economics and health financing capacity building which led to various health reform initiatives over the last 30 years, such as a health promotion fund and the development of the Thai universal health care system. He was recently a Menschel Senior Leadership Fellow at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in 2017.

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Ryratana Rangsitpol has worked in social development with international organizations, civil society organizations and research institutes. She served as the Country Programme Coordinator (Thailand) for the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), Acting Country Programme Manager for Lao PDR, Asia-Pacific Regional focal points for Vietnam and Timor-Leste, focusing on women’s political and economic empowerment, ending violence against women, and women, peace and security. She was the Manager and Policy Advisor of the Responsive Governance Unit for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Thailand, focusing on decentralization, people’s participation and community empowerment, and youth and good governance. She worked with the Thailand Development Research Institute (TDRI) as Assistant to the President, senior researcher on social and good governance projects and editor. She worked as reporter and writer for the Outlook Section of the Bangkok Post, and also served as part-time lecturers at Chulalongkorn University and Thammasat University. She received her B.A. (First Class Hons.) from the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University and had her M.A. in Communications from the University of Hawaii at Manoa as East West Center degree fellow.

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Komatra Chuengsatiansup is a medical anthropologist, medical doctor and director of the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Anthropology Center (SAC), a national academic institute working to promote better public understanding of anthropology and to strengthen the anthropological community.  As the previous director of the Society and Health Institute, his works are instrumental in integrating an anthropological perspective in health policy development and implementation. Komatra has taught extensively on anthropological theory and research methods, community health work, pharmaceutical use and health policy in Thailand and internationally. He received his MD. from Chulalongkorn University and his Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from Harvard University in 1998.

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Somporn is a health advocate with expertise in community health impact assessment (CHIA). She develops concepts, guidelines, methodologies, and tools for CHIA and works with rights litigators and academics to facilitate CHIA learning in Thailand, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia. After working for two years as a nurse at Siriraj Hospital, she returned to her home province of Udon Thani, where she served as a professor at Boromrajchonnani Udon Thani Nursing College.

She gained experience in health impact assessment at the Office of Health System Reform and the National Health Commission Office.

She believes CHIA is a tool that empowers communities to engage in the public policy process and advocate for sustainable development and health equity. In 2012, Somporn published a guidebook titled Revitalizing Thailand’s Community Health Impact Assessment to introduce the CHIA process and its implications for policy making She established the community health impact assessment platform (www.chiaplatform.org) as a learning and practice space for people/communities who are interested in CHIA work.

Recently, Somporn has been leading a project that applies the CHIA process to address concerns over cross-border air pollution from a Laos coal-fired power plant by empowering the ethnic communities to have the capacity for monitoring the impact on humans and the environment and then negotiate with policy makers.

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Worawan Chandoevwit is currently working as a Professor at Department of Economics, Khon Kaen University, and Advisor of Social Security, Human Resources and Social Development, Thailand Development Research Institute.She received her Ph.D. in Economics from University of Alberta, Canada. She also obtained her M.A. and B.A. in Economics from Thammasat University. Her expertises are in the field of Economics of Public Policy, Demographic Economics, and Health Economics. She does research in Public Economics, Labor Economics and Development Economics. Her most recent publications are Incorporating discrete choice experiments into policy decisions: Case of designing public long-term care insurance and Inpatient care expenditure of the elderly with chronic diseases who use public health insurance: Disparity in their last year of life

Viet Nam
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Viet Nam

Ms. Ha Thu Thanh is the Chairperson and one of the founders of Deloitte Vietnam – the largest Consulting Firm in the world and Vietnam – with over 40 years of experience, including more than 32 years working for Deloitte with 24 years in the role of the leader. She also had 8 years working for the Ministry of Finance as an auditing regulator. Ms. Thanh is also the Chairperson of the Vietnam Institute of Directors (VIOD) since its establishment in 2018. Her contributions in the advisory and auditing profession of Vietnam are made through various key positions she holds in Vietnam and international social and professional organizations, where she also helps to promote leadership development, and women entrepreneurship. In recent years, Ms. Thanh has been a senior advisor in sustainable development and corporate governance for the business community. She was voted one of the “50 most influential women in Vietnam” by Forbes and awarded the “Asia Pacific Entrepreneur Award” by Enterprise Asia in 2017 and 2019.

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Viet Nam

Dr. Huynh Tan Phuc is the Director of Programs Implementation - Asia at The Fred Hollows Foundation (FHF) and a senior member of the Programs Leadership Group. He advanced to this role in 2020, previously serving as Regional Programs Director, overseeing FHF’s initiatives in East Asia, including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, the Philippines, and Viet Nam.

Dr. Phuc began his career as Chief of the Eye Department in a government hospital before joining World Vision Viet Nam in 1995, where he managed health and development projects for nine years. In 2003, he joined FHF Viet Nam as Country Manager, leading the development and implementation of eye care programs nationwide. Under his leadership, FHF Vietnam significantly contributed to the National Prevention of Blindness Strategy and enhanced ophthalmology training through capacity-building initiatives. Currently, Dr. Phuc manages programs across Vietnam, Cambodia, the Philippines, China, Indonesia, Laos, Timor Leste, and the Pacific. He is a published researcher and skilled facilitator, with extensive experience in project design, management, and advocacy, earning him a strong reputation in the global eye care community.

Viet Nam
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Viet Nam

Dr. Tran Thi Mai Oanh is an advisor on health strategies and policies with extensive experience in health policy analysis and health system strengthening, both in Vietnam and regionally. She has been with the Health Strategy and Policy Institute (HSPI) of the Ministry of Health for over 30 years, serving as its Director from 2013 to 2023. Throughout her career, Dr. Oanh has led and advised on significant health sector reforms, including improving health system performance, advancing grassroots healthcare, reforming health service delivery, developing human resources, designing health financing mechanisms, and conducting health technology assessments and developing service benefit packages to advance universal health coverage in Viet Nam. Dr. Oanh has worked closely with senior policymakers, including the Minister and Vice Ministers of Health, Deputy Prime Ministers, and the Chairman of the National Assembly Committees, to promote evidence-based policymaking in the health sector. She was also a member of the Universal Health Coverage Technical Advisory Group for the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for the Western Pacific from 2016 to 2019. Currently, she collaborates with the ASEAN Secretariat in preparation for the 17th Health Ministerial Meeting, which will be held in Malaysia in 2026.

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Viet Nam

Dr Le Minh Giang is Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Epidemiology and Director, Center for Research and Training on Substance Abuse-HIV (CREATA-H) at Hanoi Medical University in Viet Nam. He also holds an adjunct faculty appointment in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences, Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University where he is an alumnus. Dr. Giang's research interests are centered on addressing and mitigating the complex intersections between substance abuse, poor sexual health, and HIV/AIDS infections. He has been PI and Co-PI of several NIH-funded studies on drug abuse and HIV and has been working with CREATA-H’s investigators. Since 2012, Dr Giang has led the development of Viet Nam-HIV Addiction Technology Transfer Center at Hanoi Medical University aiming at developing addiction medicine workforce to confront drug and HIV epidemics in Viet Nam. He is also a founding member of the Southeast Asian Consortium on Culture, Health and Sexuality, a network of academic institutions in the regional to support training and academic exchanges for regional scholars who are interested in the cross-cultural learning of sexuality and health. 

Viet Nam


Viet Nam

Dr. Nguyen To Nhu is a medical doctor and epidemiologist with over 26 years of expertise in managing health programs focused on combating infectious diseases in Viet Nam. Her technical expertise encompasses HIV, addiction treatment, disease surveillance, malaria, antimicrobial resistance, emergency operation centers, outbreak response, and the One Health approach. As PATH’s Program Director of Epidemic Preparedness and Response for Southeast Asia, Dr. Nhu oversees global health security projects and provides strategic guidance to the Ministry of Health and partners, focusing on strengthening health systems, improving diagnostics, and enhancing emergency preparedness. She is committed to promoting health equity, particularly for vulnerable populations, including those with HIV, drug dependency, and communities affected by emerging infectious diseases in remote areas. Her efforts include advancing novel malaria testing and treatment methods, such as point-of-care G6PD quantitative testing and Tafenoquine radical cure, ensuring that marginalized groups receive the care they need. Her contributions also extend to regional initiatives like the One Health for Cambodia (OH4CAM) feasibility study, aimed at driving significant health investments from 2025-2030 in Cambodia.

Viet Nam
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Viet Nam

Mr. Pham Truong Son began his community work in 1996, participating in health communication initiatives at the Condom Coffee Shop project under the Department of Health and the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. With over 26 years of experience in the NGO/nonprofit sector, Mr. Son has held key roles, including Deputy Director of the LIN Center for Community Development, where he supported nonprofits, volunteers, and donors in promoting sustainable development in Viet Nam. From 2000 to 2004, he received training from the Southeast Asia Popular Communication Program (SEAPCP), focused on youth leadership development in the Asia Pacific. Upon returning to Viet Nam in 2004, Mr. Son worked with the Network of HIV/STIs Community Clinics in the Mekong Delta before dedicating his career to local nonprofit community development. Currently, he is the Director of Tinh Than Foundation, which provides micro-credit to the urban poor in Ho Chi Minh City, and he also lectures on Social Work at several universities. Additionally, Mr. Son served as President of the Southern Non-Profit Community (SNPO) and sits on the advisory board of the Breast Cancer Network of Vietnam (BCNV), continuing to support and strengthen Viet Nam's nonprofit ecosystem.


Partnerships for Health Equity


The Annual Forum is held in Thailand each year to coincide with the annual Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC).

PMAC is a large-scale high-level global health conference that covers a wide range of pressing issues and brings together public health leaders and key stakeholders from around the world. PMAC creates a great opportunity to link Fellows to the wider regional and global networks. Our Senior Fellows add their expertise and insights to regional and international health policy discussions, which help to promote health equity.

The Equity Initiative provides in-country network building support so that EI Senior Fellows and partners are able to connect at the country level to build relationships and align around key health equity issue areas and opportunities.

The Equity Initiative community is beginning to explore different strategies for addressing key regional thematic issue areas where staff, Fellows and regional partners have a deep passion, expertise and ability to organize around collective action for systemic change. Emerging topics include a focus on climate justice, refugee and migrant health, health systems strengthening for health equity, and data, technology and health financing for equity in health, to name a few.

Atlantic Fellows Community

The Equity Initiative, also known as the Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity in Southeast Asia (AFHESEA), is one of 7 interconnected Atlantic Fellows programs.

While each of the seven 7 Atlantic Fellows programs is are distinct and grounded in its local context, they share a common purpose of advancing fairer, healthier, more inclusive societies. All programs start with a core fellowship experience, bringing together a cohort of 20 to 30 emerging leaders. Fellows come from all walks of life with diverse perspectives. They are united by a passion, determination, and vision to realize a more just world. 

The Atlantic Institute, based in Oxford and operated by the Rhodes Trust, serves as a convening and knowledge-sharing hub for the global network of Atlantic Fellows. 

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