Diah Satyani Saminarsih, MSc is an Indonesian development practitioner and public health advocate, currently serving as the Founder and CEO of the public health non-profit Center for Indonesia’s Strategic Development Initiatives (CISDI). A psychologist by academic training, her professional journey has gone across consulting companies, government and national public institutions, and multilateral organizations. Diah, who was appointed as a Special Advisor to the Minister of Health in 2014, has represented Indonesia in various global forums and agendas, including the UN General Assembly on the conception of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2012 - 2014, the World Health Assembly, Co-Moderating the WHO Director General Candidate Debate, and the Stockholm Food Forum 2017. In 2018, Diah was appointed as Senior Gender and Youth Advisor to the WHO Directorate-General, a position she will hold until her term ends in 2022. She is now also currently serving in the Pandemic Fund Board as the Principal Global South Civil Society member. In 2024, Diah has also been selected as a Commissioner for Lancet Global Health Commission on People Centred Care for Universal Health Coverage.