Polwish Subsrisunjai

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Polwish Subsrisunjai

Polwish Subsrisunjai is a passionate advocate for labor rights and migrant justice. He currently serves as the Program Director at the Human Rights and Development Foundation (HRDF) in Thailand, where he leads initiatives to raise awareness of labor rights, combat forced labor, and pursue strategic litigation to secure justice for migrant workers. In addition to his role at HRDF, Polwish advises the Parliamentary House Committee on Legal Affairs, Justice, and Human Rights, advocating for inclusive policies to protect migrants and minorities. He is also an active member of the Thailand Migration Reform Consortium (TMR), focusing on systemic migration governance and promoting sustainable solutions to migration challenges. Having previously worked in diverse industries before dedicating his career to civil society, Polwish believes that open dialogue and steady collective progress is key to his leadership. His work in building team capacity has been instrumental in scaling the impact of programs such as the Anti-Labor Trafficking Program and legal clinics providing essential support to migrant workers across multiple locations in Thailand.Through his involvement in the Equity Community, Polwish seeks to refine his leadership skills while connecting with other Fellows towards collective, systemic change and impact.